All articles provided by Stephanie Cuesta
I am a Holistic Health, Lifestyle and Fitness Coach, Blogger and Public Speaker.
MY STORY: how i became a holistic health and fitness coach
I haven't always been into holistic health....
I used to be a stressed, unhealthy investment banker for almost 10 years.
As an overachiever, pleaser and perfectionist, I was studying or working very hard for hours long, barely sleeping, I was always over stressed and kept on going like this for years. I was suffering from eating disorder but never took time to really think about it. I thought I was doing my best when working hard, eating only salads and a no-fat diet and going for hours long of cardio at the gym every day after work. You can keep on going like this for months or years, depending on your own natural reserve of energy. But at one point, your body will send you signals for you to start paying attention. With me, it started with getting sick every single month. Conventional doctors were telling me that I would always have those sinusitis, my whole life taking antibiotics, because my immune system was weak and I was just “fragile”... And this was THE trigger for me. I couldn’t accept this fate without doing something about it. I started reading and researching a lot, especially about natural health remedies and holistic lifestyle. I got to cure myself by changing step by step the way I was living, or rather surviving. By applying holistic health principles into my life, I got my energy back, I didn’t get sick anymore and I felt better than ever before, physically, mentally and emotionally. At that point, it was a no-brainer for me: I felt the urge to share with everyone my own experience, and help them on their own health journey. I realized that happiness and thriving in life was something achievable to all of us. I decided to quit my career in investment banking to become a Holistic Health Coach myself.
“You are the creator of your own reality.”
My mantras
- Love yourself so much, that you won't accept to harm yourself anymore.
- Don't compare yourself to anyone, except to yourself.
- Don't let others' opinion of you impact you. These are often the perception of their own issues and struggles.
- Do more of what makes you happy.